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Pet Portal je osnovan 2020. godine od strane grupa ljubitelja životinja. Cilj ovog portala je stvoriti jedintvenu platformu za sve kućne ljubimce i njihove vlasnike i ostale ljubitelje životinja, te informirati širu javnost o životinjskom svijetu, o hrani za kućne ljubimce, njezi, zdravlju, uzgoju, treningu (dresuri) i sl.

Želimo da ovaj portal raste iz dana u dan putem edukativnog, informativnog i zabavnog sadržaja.

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Pet Portal zadržava osobne podatke samo za internu upotrebu i ni u kojem slučaju se neće prenijeti trećim osobama bez vašeg odobrenja.

Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here

Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here

Western Australia since 1997. Having established a solid reputation built on honesty and integrity, designFARM offer their customers a genuine experience. We believe in good, authentic design, in order to do what we do best – create meaningful spaces. You won’t find any replica’s here

What people are saying

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Vincent Vanilla

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Gregor Red

loyal customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Alexander Green

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Vincent Vanilla

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Vincent Vanilla

happy customer

Lorem enim et luctus hendrelibero mole stie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quisent ipsum. Aliquam bidum. Thank you!

Vincent Vanilla

happy customer

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